Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Baby Signs and Random Fun

Alabama can do many signs now! It's so exciting to see her communicate with us! I love it!
She can do the signs for: book, hey and bye (of course!), pig, dog, frog, cat, duck, blow a kiss, and bottle/eat. She will do these when we ask her to but also if she sees a dog or cat in person or on the TV. Wow! I've been doing some of these for a while and now she is doing them, too. It just blows my mind! We are working on more.
She can understand so much now. It just amazes me how smart she is! She can tell you where her belly is. She loves to tickle you. She wants you to read her favorite books over and over! She gives such sweet kisses! She loves her babies. She puts them in the high chair to feed them. She climbed into the high chair herself and wanted to eat! ha! She wants to be outside ALL. the. time! She walks everywhere and is into everything! She knows that turning on the music in her room means bedtime and she cries and leaves the room! ha! She gives you her passy when you ask for it. She stomps her feet and claps to "If you're Happy and you Know it" and "Rise and Shine".
She says what sounds like "Go" and waves her hands when she sees a dog or when Sassy is barking. I'm not sure if she's saying dog or go. We do tell Sassy to go sometimes so I'm not sure which it is, but I know it means dog. Also for dog, she pants with her tongue out.
This is the funnest stage so far and I am enjoying every minute of it!!!

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