Wednesday, Alabama turned 6 months old! I truly can't believe how fast it went by. She's changed so much in these 6 months and I know it will be more and more different from here on out. I love being able to be home with her and see all the new things that she does.
Here are a few things at 6 months that really charcterize Alabama!
She is now such a Mama's girl! She won't stay with someone else for long before she is trying her best to get back to me! Love. it.
Okay, she does love her Daddy, too. She is so happy and excited when he comes in and reaches for him to hold her. He of course, is totally in love with her, too! (He's been sick the past two days, so she hasn't gotten to love on him and it's pitiful to see.) :-(
She is still in love with all things paper, but now also plastic bottles.
She loves to get her mouth all over them. I even gave her some water with a straw yesterday and she did so good. It's so funny to see her open her mouth for more!
She is now 16 1/2 pounds and 26 3/4 inches long. We went to the doctor yesterday and had her shots (which she did soooo good!) and checkup. She is doing so great! We did get a referral to Dr. Brooks, a pediatric eye doctor, for her drooping left eye lid. Her appointment is on September 10, at 10:10. (easy to remember, huh? ha)
She is getting so good at eating baby food now. I usually don't even need to use a bib anymore. She opens her mouth and swallows well. She has now eaten carrots (her fav.), squash, sweet potatoes, applesauce, pears, green beans, bananas, oatmeal, and peas.
She loves for me to sing to her. It really gets her attention and often soothes her when she's fussy. We sing Father We Adore You, ABC's, 1, 2 Buckle My Shoe, Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves the Little Children, You are My Sunshine, Rise and Shine, Apples and Bananas, and some others I can't think of right now! What songs do you love to sing?
She is getting very good at going to sleep on her own for naps and at night.
This girl can get anywhere she wants to go! She does the "army crawl" and pushes those toes in the ground and scoots away! I know it won't be very long at all before she is truly crawling! (I've got to get the house ready! aahhh!)
She laughs at me when I tickle her belly and steal all her kissses. It is the cutest sound I've ever heard! I love it! (Tried to get it on video, but then she just stares at camera, of course! ha)
I am so ready for fall and some cooler weather! I can't wait to get out her fall clothes and dress her in some different outfits. I also can't wait for football season and Alabama's first year as a Dawg! It's my favorite season of all and I can't wait to experience it with my sweet baby!
Sing her "Wake up little bunny"!!! if i have to hear it at 20 years old, she can hear it at 6 months!!!