What a fun day to celebrate Alabama's first birthday!
Here is the spread. We kept it simple with cake, cookies, pink kisses, and ice cream.
First she played with the Fisher Price chair! I found it a few months ago at the SA and have been saving it for her birthday. She loves sitting in chairs! It is really cute.
Georgia, Chris, Anna, Morgan and Ethan gave her a precious outfit from Crazy 8. I never think to look on their site but they have some really cute stuff! She wore it to church yesterday and was so cute in it! They also gave her this fun horsey that plays music, rolls and has a basket for her doll in the front!
How fun!
My sister, Alicia, gave her some cute red shoes because she knew we outgrew our old ones, some bath toys, a cute summer dress, some bows, and an awesome Cozy Coupe!!!! Alabama loves getting in and out of it and riding around the house! It is really neat because it has a removable floorboard and handle so she can be pushed now and then later can use it like a regular Cozy Coupe car.
My Mama and Daddy gave her a new car seat so she can ride facing forward now and also my Mama finished this crocheted blanket that she started when I was about 7.....so 20 years later it is done for Alabama! ha! It has a painted Cabbage Patch doll on it and it is for her to use to play with her babies. I'm sure she'll love it!
Adam's Mom, Maxine sent a package from Hawaii since she was there and missed Alabama's birthday. She sent a card that Alabama wanted to hold the entire time with a little Hawaiian baby on it and....a hula skirt outfit! It is sooo cute! She's so funny wearing it and dancing! It has the grass skirt, a coconut bra, a beaded necklace and a red flower for her hair. I remember my Nana bringing me a dress and a grass skirt back when she went to Hawaii many years ago!
His Dad actually went to the store and picked out a present for Alabama all by himself! We were all so shocked! ha! It was so cute he gave her some John Deere socks. I thought it was so funny in this picture....she knew exactly what the socks were and was trying to put them on!
My sister, Audra, gave Alabama a cute black swing jacket and a umbrella stroller so that we can carry it around and have more room in the car, and some yogurt melts. Here's Alabama snacking on the yogurt melts...when she saw them that was it! She had to have some right then. Nana and Ralph gave her some shampoo, some money, and a cute bathing suit cover up.
Bo, Kathie, and Jenna didn't come but sent a gift with Nana. They gave her a cute book about God's Precious Gift and a really cute summer outfit. It looks like it's from Paris!
My beautiful one year old!
Okay, it's getting kind of long....so I'll do a second post with the cake pictures!
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