On Friday the 26th of February, 2010, Alabama turned One! It was a day I'd looked forward to with much anticipation. When she got up that morning, we played for a while and I gave her a box of Kleenex to pull out every single piece as a fun treat for her birthday!
She loved it! She pulled them out, tore them into pieces, and put some in her "drawer" in the kitchen to save for later I guess!
We got ready and went to Cracker Barrell for lunch with Big Mama, Aunt Lee Lee, and Aunt Katie. She loved eating her biscuits, green beans, macaroni and cheese, and Coca-cola Cake! yummy!!!
She turned one and is already reading huge books! haha!
We had to run a few errands that day and she was so good! We went and met Adam at Target after he got off work and before he had to go to the church to work on some Kids Alive stuff. It was fun to see him a little while since it was her birthday! After he left, Alabama, Audra, and I went to Babies R Us where she bought some birthday presents for Alabama!
Then we headed to Granny's and Aunt Judy's. Granny has been in the hospital last week and they weren't able to come to the party so we went by so they could see her and give her their gifts. She had fun opening the cards and presents from Aunt Ann and Uncle Phillip, Aunt Judy, and Granny.
They were so sweet!
She loved this card because the bear plays Peek-a-Boo! So cute!
Alabama loves to push Granny's walker so Aunt Judy took her for a ride on it! It was so funny seeing her running around pushing Alabama. She loved it but wasn't sure what to think! haha! I told them it was like an "amusement park ride at the retirement home!" ha!
She was such a sleepy girl when we left late that night. She'd had a fun but LONG day!
Just wait, it only gets better tomorrow, Alabama! ha!
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