You are two months old!
Wow, what a month it's been. Here are two pictures that we got when we finished up your "newborn" session on the 8th. Christina Annis did a great job and they are beautiful pictures!We had a major ice storm here so our weeks of taking it easy continued! :) It was really devastating for some, but our power was only out for about 12 hours overnight. We bundled you up and we stayed warm. We celebrated your first Valentine's Day by going to visit Granny and Nana with Mimi and having a special Valentine's dinner at home that night! For your Valentine treats, you got a blue heart passy and some gas drops! :) We had sweet cards that we delivered that had pictures of you as a Hershey Kiss!
On Saturday, you also went with me and Daddy on a date to the Boll Weevil which was cut a little short for you to nurse in the car. I finished my chocolate banana cake the next day.
You also had to stay one night in the hospital at MCG for a virus/cold that you got from Pate. You were fine, but they wanted to monitor you to make sure it didn't get worse and you didn't need oxygen. You didn't. We went home at lunch time the next day but when we went to the doctor on Tuesday, you had fluid in your ears (the other doctors never looked) so you took an antibiotic for 10 days and are great now! When we went to the doctor, you weighed 12 1/2 pounds.
Jeff and Brooke and Ben, Anna, and Katie Claire came up on the weekend of the 22nd and got to meet you! They loved you so much and we miss them already!
You went on your first road trip at the end of the month to Athens for Alabama to see the GymDogs meet. You did great!
You love to take baths now and never fuss at all.
Pate still loves to say "Hey Bebe" and "Hey Boo" to you! He loves "my baby" as he calls you! He thinks it's funny to say that you drink juice or tea when he knows you just drink "Mulk"! ha! He gives you your (or his!) passy when you cry and shakes your car seat and sshhh's you, too. I just love this picture of y'all! <3 p="">
You are doing so much better at the end of this month than the beginning. Your tummy is feeling much better and the gas issues are pretty much gone! Praise the Lord! (It was so bad I took you to the chiropractor twice!) You're getting SO big now! I can't believe how much you've filled out since one month ago! You wear size 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers! You are eating every 3 hours usually and will go about 5 hours at night. You love to smile at me when I talk to you! It's so so precious to see! You also just started talking and cooing! It's just so sweet to hear that little voice! Your head control is so much better and you just started wanting to sit up in my lap and not be laid down. I love my sweet baby even though you don't want to be a baby for long. :( Just look at those sweet little cheeks!
Love, Mama
Alabama is a great big sister to you. She loves to hold you for me, but says you are getting really heavy and you make her arm hurt. :) She reads to you and says how cute you are all the time.
You are doing so much better at the end of this month than the beginning. Your tummy is feeling much better and the gas issues are pretty much gone! Praise the Lord! (It was so bad I took you to the chiropractor twice!) You're getting SO big now! I can't believe how much you've filled out since one month ago! You wear size 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers! You are eating every 3 hours usually and will go about 5 hours at night. You love to smile at me when I talk to you! It's so so precious to see! You also just started talking and cooing! It's just so sweet to hear that little voice! Your head control is so much better and you just started wanting to sit up in my lap and not be laid down. I love my sweet baby even though you don't want to be a baby for long. :( Just look at those sweet little cheeks!
Love, Mama
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