So, my two babies start pre-school this week. I didn't think I'd be the Mama that's sad on the first day of school, but, I kinda am. Alabama told me that she wanted to go to school this year so we prayed over it for a very long time and God totally opened doors for us that I could teach at our church preschool, and they both could attend. It was definitely an answer to prayer! 
I know she has great teachers and friends in her class, and I know she will have a great time and learn sooo much, and I know that she feels comfortable at church, and I know that it will be great to be on a schedule....but I'm also a little sad that she won't be home with me all day, and that though they will love on her, they won't love her like I do, and I'm a little sad to think of her sweet, tender heart and heartbreak between her friends, and that Pate won't have his Sissy with him all day, and a little scared of things she will encounter that I would prefer she not hear or know about. (and so now, I'm totally crying the night before preschool...great!)
I'm not that worried about Pate. He may not want to leave me, but I will be there when he is on Tuesdays and will only be away on Thursdays. His only problem will probably be sharing the tractor in class! He is such a sweet boy and so laid back and I know he will do great!
I've prayed for their teachers and their friends, that they would be loved, that they would learn easily, that they would have fun, and that He will protect their minds and hearts. I am so thankful for the opportunity we have and the assurance that we are right where He wants us!
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