We had a great Easter, although, a bit busy. We got up early to see what the Easter bunny brought! Alabama was excited to see although the few days before Easter she told us she didn't want him to come!
In her basket she got a stuffed lamb, a bag of gummie life savers, a M&M's egg, a book, and a hairbow. We got dressed and went to the Sunrise service at my parent's church so that we could see them for Easter.
This picture is as good as it gets for our family Easter picture....maybe we'll try again later.
We ate breakfast there and then headed to Evans to our church. We had an AMAZING service! The music was wonderful and the preaching was inspiring! The praise team sang "Arise My Love" and it was as if we were there with Jesus! It was sooo good! We had a packed house and I think maybe a record number of people there! After church, we went to Adam's parents' house and ate lunch and had an easter egg hunt. Adam's sister, Georgia and her family were there, too. This is Alabama with her cousins; Anna, Morgan, and Ethan. So cute!
Alabama had fun with her cousins and was so glad to see Morgan! She talks about her all the time! 
After we ate, we hid the eggs and Alabama was really into finding them!
It was a long day and she was worn out so she took a little nap before we went back to church for the Spring Fling that night.
We had a fun time with our church family that evening! We had so much going on, volleyball tournament, a bus pull, inflatables, hot dog supper, and an egg toss, too!
I made Alabama this bunny shirt and I thought it turned out sooo cute!
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