On Monday, we had a fun Valentine's Day (with the exception of Adam still being sick). I tried to do a few little things to make the day fun for Alabama even though she still doesn't really know it's Valentine's Day. She wore her cute pants that I added the ruffle on to make them longer (and cuter!) and looked adorable with the shirt that Bo and Kathie got her! We stopped at Sonic and got us a cherry limeade before we went to see Aunt Judy and Granny and take them the Valentine she made them.
They also gave her a cute card with $3 in it.
It was fun to see them for a little while. Alabama was "sharing" Granny's cake and ice cream. She says "I want shum".
After we left there, we went home and ate a few heart shaped chicken nuggets :) and Alabama took a nap and stayed with Adam while I went to Augusta to pick-up Alicia and run a few errands. When we got back, Alabama opened her gift from Alicia (two cute pink jackets from Target and some V-day suckers)
and then went to the mall with my sisters. They ate at Chick-Chick-A (as Alabama calls it!)
and Audra was so excited to take her to Build-A-Bear. (she's been wanting to go for a long time) but apparently Alabama wasn't as excited. It was going great while picking out a cute monkey
but when it came time to stuff the monkey, the "machine scared her" because it's pretty loud. Even today when she plays with the monkey she tells me " 'chine scare me" and retells the whole story, just like she does about Santa and the cow at Chick fil A. ha! So she cried and wanted her Mommy and really wasn't into BAB after that.
But anyway, they had fun and apparently a really big cookie
and she has a cute monkey that has a Georgia cheerleader outfit on. It's really cute.
While they were gone, Adam and I stayed home and ate spaghetti on the couch in our pajamas and watched Jeopardy and a couple other shows we never watch anymore. It was a good Valentine's Day!
When they got home, she opened a little present from me and Adam. I gave her some stickers and some nail polish and I'd already given her a little Valentine book that is really sweet. (Please disregard me in this picture!) She loves to have her toes and fingernails painted pink!
Here's the Valentine with all of her loot including some Valentine's from Nana that she sent on Sunday (hopefully we'll get to see her one day this week or this weekend!).
I hope your Valentine's Day was fun, too!
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