She also got some goodies in her stocking. Some "fut naks" (fruit snacks), candy, lip balm, bath book, and a wooden cake and pizza.
(This excitement is over the "cana" (candy)!)
Sharing her lip balm with Daddy.After she played with her new things for a few minutes, we went to see what Santa left at Mimi and Papa's house.
At their house he left her a cute Gymboree outfit, a ladybug Pillow Pet, and some stocking goodies.
Before we left, she had to rearrange the Manger scene to include Ho-Ho! ha!
We started cooking brunch (which has become a family tradition) for Mama and Daddy, Alicia, Audra, Granny, and Aunt Judy. We finally ate at 12 but it was soo good and Alabama had lots of fun showing off her new toys. After we ate, they sang lots of different songs over and over again with her.
She would say "more, more!" as soon as they would stop.
*Here she is putting on JuJu's sweater!*
I'm really glad that we got it on video, too.
After they left, we had a little break to clean up and rest a minute and start round two! More to come in a second post.
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