This post marks my 100th post! I'm so glad I stumbled upon blog land! I love "knowing" people from all over through their blogs and I love having a place to record our life, too!
We've had lots of fun playdates lately so I wanted to share a few!
Annalise came over a couple of weeks ago on a Saturday afternoon and Alabama was so happy to have a friend come and play!
We played in the new playroom,
jumped in the bed,
"took a nap" on the towels,
played in the playhouse,
and even went swimming
(the only time we've been!) in our new pool that we got from Bo and Kathie. I think they will like the pool even more next year when they can touch the bottom.
Last Friday, we went to play at Ryan's house. We went to the playground and had a lot of fun!

Ryan loves him some Alabama! ha!
*When we ask Alabama if Ryan is her boyfriend, she says "Daddy!" That's right, girl! ha* Just kidding, we love Ryan!
Also, when we got back, Casey helped them make pizza for lunch!
It was really good and a great idea for them to help with. (I think Alabama ate more cheese than went on the pizza!ha) We had a fun time together!
I don't have any pictures, but we also went to Monkey Joe's on Monday with Georgia, Morgan, and Ethan. I thought if there is ever a chance Alabama will like MJ's it's if Morgan is there with her to play! At first she still was scared, but she warmed up to it finally and didn't want to leave!
since we both reached 100 at the same time and you've been blogging a lot longer than me, you should probably start blogging more!!! :) hehe