My Nana is the greatest Nana in the entire world!!! And, today is her birthday! I can't say how old, because she'd kill me, (she got mad because I told my Granny how old she was one time when I was little!), but let's just say she is smokin' hot for her age! ha! I love her so much and she is one of my favorite people in the world. I think she loves me more than probably anyone else does, too. So that you all could know how great she is, I thought I would tell you a little about her!
-She knows everything. I always thought she knew everything but after I had Alabama, I really know that she does! She gives me great advice.-She's the best cook ever. She makes the best velvet cake, pound cake, caramel cake, chocolate cake, biscuits, corn, peas, cubed steak casserole, dressing, gravy...and the list goes on!
-She loves Jesus! She taught me so much about the Lord my whole life and I'm so thankful for it! I know she prays for me and I know those prayers are answered everyday!
-I think I got my love for crafts from her. I remember painting ceramics with her, she made us all quilts when we were born (we all still have them), she has painted lots of pictures, we took a watercolor class together when I was in high school, she made us fun shirts with puffy paint and fabric ironed on (you know you had one, too!!ha!), she taught me how to crochet on a trip to Dallas one year when I was about 10 (all I learned was the chain stitch, but I still have the baby doll blanket we made!ha!).
-She loves to laugh! My uncle Bo can get her started and then we just keep laughing at her because she can't stop! ha!
-When I was little, my favorite thing in the world to do was go to Nana's house. I stayed just about every Friday night or any other time I could get the chance. I still remember everything about that house on Lincolnton Pkwy. Such wonderful memories there. There were so many pretty things to see, it was so comfortable, they had cable tv, the ice cream truck came by sometimes, I played with the calculator and made a house under the dining room table. I had a sandbox and a play house in the back yard and she also had strawberries in the little flower bed close to the house, and we always listened to Psalty tapes(love him!) or someother things she recorded while we went to sleep...and if we woke up in the middle of the night coughing, she would bring us this big huge peppermint stick to lick on. ha!
-I tried to get her to teach Adam how to "talk to me like Nana does" but I don't think he got it. When I'd wake up, I would come into the kitchen and sit on her lap and she'd talk to me and love on me and cook me breakfast.
-She doesn't like to be called Grandma. I guess it sounds old to her. One time I introduced her to a friend as my grandma and she said, "No, I'm Nana." But a lot of the time I just called her Mama.
-When I was probably 11-12 or so after church we would go eat at Piccadilly and then go shop at Montgomery Ward. She bought us matching outfits and I was so happy to have an outfit like her. (It probably wasn't cool to have this outfit or to match your Nana, but I didn't care!)
-She taught me how to fish and how to clean them, too.
-She loves Alabama so much! I love to watch them together!
I took her and Ralph to the ice cream shop today and we had a fun time!
Alabama loved eating Nana's ice cream.

I love you Nana! Happy Birthday and many, many more!
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