Well, okay, not really, but it sounded good!....and Alabama is doing so much better in the water now! She "graduated" from her Water Tots class at the Y on Thursday.
The last couple days she did great! She didn't cry or cling to me. She loves to sit on the side of the pool and splash her legs in. She likes when I hold her in the 'swimming position' and I say "kick you legs, swim with your arms" and she thinks she's really swimming! She also does great "floating"... not by herself of course, but I lay her back and she floats with her head on my shoulder and we sing "Twinkle, twinkle, Little Star". She's not a Number One Fan of going under water yet, but she's getting so much better with it! She also loves to go outside to the 1 foot pool and play with her cup and walk around in it and to all the little fountains in the pool. She did not want to get out when they have those 10 minute breaks!
This is her sweet instructor, Rebecca.
She was so good!
She even asks me to go "Splish Splash" now! So we go outside in the little pool Leslie gave us.
This was a week ago, and we went out this Saturday, too.
She also has a fun time playing in the water table that I got at a yard sale a couple months ago for $5!!!! Yes, $5!
I wish it wasn't sooo hot every single day so we could go outside a little! 
Now if we can just get her over the fear of other people's bath tubs! ha!
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