Alabama, the months are flying by and you are 15 months old now!
This was just about a year ago....
wow, how you have changed!!!
You weigh about 26 pounds. You wear size 12-18 month clothes and a size 4 diaper. You can now wear size 4 shoes. I love dressing you in all your fun summer clothes we have! I know it's a little excessive, but you have about 50 dresses right now! ha!
You are such a fun girl! You love to laugh and play.
You tickle everyone and sometimes like to be the "kissing monster" where you will almost bite my face as you are kissing me hard all over! Here Daddy is being attacked! ha!
I can't help but die laughing when you are "kissing" me. It's so funny!
Here you and Jenna are riding Uncle Bo!
You love to do fun stuff like that!
You still LOVE to be outside all. the. time!!!!!
You play in your house, drive your car, ride in the wagon, swing, and just love to run around outside!
You have begun to be such a Daddy's girl!
You want him to hold you and can't stand when he goes out without you! ha!
You love to eat! You eat all kinds of foods now. Your favorite is probably green beans and grilled cheese. (or when your aunts give you sweets!) You still drink your milk in a bottle about 3 times a day. You love to snack on Cheerios now, too.
You like to get dressed and bring me all kind of clothes and socks and shoes to put on. This is you wearing one of my high heel shoes.
You are really starting early, girl! ha!
You are so good most of the time, but you have a few meltdowns now and then, too. Thank goodness they usually don't last very long!
You say so many sign language words like duck, dog, cat, frog, fish, book, eat, more, bottle, baby, bath, phone, hat, pig, music, bird, flower, book, car/truck. You can do animal sounds for the cow, owl, horse, and the turkey. It's so cute!
Out loud, you can say baby, bottle, mama, daddy, and yeah. You know what everything we say means and you talk to us ALL day long. I don't know what you're saying, but you sure do! ha!
You are sooo smart! I know every Mama thinks her baby is smart, but I am amazed every day at how much you know!
You love to sing and dance to any music. Your favorite song is still "If you're Happy and You Know it" because you do all the motions to it!
We took you on your first trip to the lake out on the boat, but you were not feeling it. I think we'll wait a while to try that again!
I love you soo much! You're the sweetest girl in the whole wide world!
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