Happy Easter! We had a great day today celebrating the resurrection of our Savior and enjoying time with family. This morning we got ready for church in our "Easter clothes" and let Alabama open her basket from the Easter Bunny.
She got a lamb and some Life Savers candy in an egg (it has lollipops in it). A few years ago, my friend, Tina, told me how her girls got Life Savers and a stuffed lamb each year to remind them that Jesus, the Lamb of God, died for our sins and rose again to save our life!
I thought that was such a wonderful way to celebrate the true meaning of Easter and not get into all the chocolate bunny hype so that is what we plan to do for Alabama. She also got some Yogurt Nibbles and an Easter card.
This is the beautiful dress that I already had that I decided a while back we would save to wear on Easter. I love it because it is so sweet and simple but so detailed and beautiful! I made the huge bow last night for the "wow factor" as Adam calls it. ( Y'all think it's me that makes a big deal over what Alabama wears...but it's really him! ha!) I know it's as big as her head...but she doesn't mind...promise! The cutest part was the little purse that "Aunt Katie" got her from Cracker Barrell that she loved toting around.
I knew she would love it so I wanted her to have a sweet ,dressy, Easter purse. She put her passy and her "lipstick" and keys in it. So cute!
It was awesome to see our church filled almost to capacity this morning and it was such a great time of worship and a wonderful message from our Pastor!
We went home to eat at our house for lunch. I had already cooked a Strawberry bunny cake and had Audra make potato salad last night. So today, we just cooked some green beans and the bread and made tea. Adam's Mama and Daddy came over to eat with us, too. We took some pictures of all of us and some more of Alabama with Maxine's camera, but I'll have to get the card from her this week. She brought deviled eggs and a pie. Mama made a ham that was so good and a sweet potato souffle and Alicia made mac and cheese. It was a wonderfully good meal, but I'm still full now! ha!
After lunch, it was about time to go back to church for the Spring Fling. We got there just in time for the egg hunt for the babies. She fell asleep in the car and was still pretty tired, but she perked up a little after a few minutes. She wasn't exactly sure what to do with the eggs..she wanted to open them like she does at home..but we picked up about four. She really wanted to climb up the steps...that's one of her new favorite things...but they were covered in pollen!
She also wanted to pick up the wood chips...crazy girl!
Here she is toting her basket of eggs all by herself! 
I prayed that she would be walking by Easter, because of course the dress, the purse, the egg hunting...all are more fun when you can walk rather than just crawl! God is so good to answer such a small request and give us the desires of our heart! She has been getting better and better all week and yesterday, she was walking all around the house by herself! It's so fun to watch her!
I made this little bunny applique for her shirt. It was soo easy so all of the plain shirts in her drawers...you better watch out- you're probably next! ha!
This is the pillowcase dress that my Mama made her. She wore it on Good Friday and also some on Saturday to an egg hunt at their church.
She also has some super cute bunny shoes that she wore with it Friday. We got so many compliments while we were out!
This girl is soo spoiled! She had so many Easter goodies! We went to see Granny and Aunt Judy on Thursday and they gave her a bunny, some bubbles and a cute card with $2 in it! (which i bought her a Gymboree outfit at a yard sale on Saturday with!) She got a cute card in the mail from Aunt Georgia and Uncle Chris! Leslie brought us the prettiest card and some "too pretty to eat" chocolates and brought Alabama a pink bunny. Nana had her a present on Saturday at the egg hunt. She gave her a pull-along phone which Alabama loves and a big pink bunny and a card. Then today, Mama, Daddy, and Alicia gave her a basket full of yogurt melts, baby cookies (she hasn't tried those yet..made by Beech Nut), an "I love Grandpa" bib, a white skirt, and a Larry the Cucumber. She even snuck in a few Reese's eggs. (the best candy ever! ha!) Then last, Audra gave her the purse and some bubbles! Wow, what an Easter! ha!
I hope you had a great day! We serve a Risen Savior!
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