We spent several months trying to get pregnant before Alabama was conceived. I am so thankful for how short of a time it really was because I know some people try for years to have a baby and some are still trying. I pray that God will give you the child you are asking for!
We were in the wonderful hands of Dr. Servy in our process to have a baby. I highly recommend him to anyone who might be trying right now! I have Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome so it was harder for me than most people. One thing about the disease is that you don't ovulate regularly, or in my case maybe not at all. For those two months, i took a medicine called Clomid and I took my temperature every morning to notice when the spike would occur to signal that you are ovulating.
It worked and on June 17th we found out we were pregnant!
I took the test that morning and it was so perfect that Adam was off that day because we were going to buy a new car since I totaled my Envoy a few weeks before and we were also going to the lake that day with his brother who was home on leave from Korea.
I came out with the test and said "Does this look like two lines to you?" He said, "Yes, I guess that means you're pregnant!"
I was so excited but we didn't want to tell everyone just yet. We wanted to wait until Adam's mama's birthday but we couldn't so we told my family on that Friday. They were all so happy except Audra. She was mad that I didn't tell her first, but she was in Alabama that week so I called her after we told Mama, Daddy, Granny and Aunt Judy. I also told Leslie and she was so excited (well, I hope she was since that's all I'd heard from her from at least a year before! ha!) We did wait to tell everyone else because we didn't want to ruin the surprise of telling Maxine on her birthday!
We went to the lake that next Saturday and we gave her a picture frame that said "Coming Soon, Your newest Grandchild!"
I looks as if she's crying in the picture, but she wasn't! She was very happy, but I think Georgia was even happier! ha! 
She had been waiting a long time for us to have a baby!
By the time we got to church on Sunday....EVERYONE knew!
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