What a memorable Christmas it was!!!!
In our family, Christmas is usually really drawn out because we have so many family to celebrate with and at different times. So it's good that it lasts even longer before it's all over.
First, we went to visit my Aunt Ann and Uncle Phillip in Greenwood last Saturday for Christmas. We had a good time visiting them because we don't get to see them very often. They gave Alabama the cutest stuffed gingerbread girl, some cute clothes, and a sweet bear that says her prayers. I forgot my camera, so I don't have any pictures. :-( We also received our CD's from my Daddy that he recorded for me. He's still working on the gospel one but the first one turned out pretty good!
Christmas Eve, we had lunch at my Mama and Daddy's with my Granny, Aunt Judy, and our cousin Larry. Alabama opened some of her first Christmas presents from Granny and Aunt Judy.
She got a blue Care Bear bunny, a snow globe (which she dropped and broke even though it was plastic. When we went to Walgreens to get a new one, she broke it in the store! ha! we have one now that she can play with NEXT year.) a set of little books, a beautiful snow globe ornament for 2009, some money, and a christmas bear. They were so sweet!
Then we were off to our Christmas Eve service at church which was beautiful! I loved the new format and the music was wonderful.
The candles, music, Christmas story, church family, Lord's Supper, and cold night all made for a perfect Christmas eve. The only thing a little crazy was there was no nursery of course so it was hard to entertain Alabama the entire time!
On Christmas Day, Alabama woke up at 7:15 and so we got up and went to see what Santa brought!! I've been looking forward to this for so long! It was so much fun!!!
She got a Laugh and Learn Barn, a caterpillar, her first Cabbage Patch doll named Sydney Sage,
an Elmo cloth book, a train with animals that sings, and a steering wheel.
In her stocking she had socks, a pair of tights, Yogurt melts, and her first toothbrush. (Those yogurt melts are like candy for babies! She can't get enough of them!!!)
She didn't know what to think of it all. She pulled everything out of her stocking, but didn't play with all the toys too much at first. Now, she loves them!
We always cook breakfast for our family on Christmas morning so this year we had a delicious breakfast casserole that we actually put together the night before and baked that morning along with some cinnamon rolls. My Nana and Ralph came and she brought Alabama a really cute yellow pull-along car that she really has had fun with. Mama, Daddy, Alicia and Audra came over and Alabama showed them what Santa brought her! After breakfast, we went to their house and opened some gifts. Alabama got a Red Rider all terrain wagon from Santa and some cute clothes from Aunt Katie and a Tigger and a cheetah toy from Aunt Lee Lee and two Sesame street DVDs from Big Mama and Poppa.
We really had to hurry because we were supposed to be at Georgia's by 12 for Christmas with Adam's family. It was not much fun having to rush and I hope we can plan to space it out a little more next year. We had a delicious dinner that Georgia and Chris made and then opened some gifts with them. I wish I had pictures of the table, but Georgia had it set so pretty and had the cutest napkins from Williams-Sonoma with the 12 Days of Christmas on them. I got "5 Golden Rings" of course! ha! We took our time and opened all the gifts. The funnest part for me is watching everyone open their gifts that we give them.
Alabama was given this sweet crocheted baby booties ornament from her Grandma and Grandpa. They also gave her some new earrings to wear!
Alabama was given this sweet crocheted baby booties ornament from her Grandma and Grandpa. They also gave her some new earrings to wear!
Anna bought with her own money the pink pillow in the picture above for Alabama. I thought that was so sweet of her!
Aunt Georgia and Uncle Chris gave her a Fisher Price learning purse which is so cute! She loves to take everything out of it!

Even before we opened the gifts, she was a tired little girl! So much excitement during Christmas really wore her out!
I thought this shirt was so perfect for her to wear on Christmas because besides Jesus, she's the best present ever!!!!!
After leaving Georgia's, we drove to Gibson to Bo and Kathie's to spend time with the family there. I know, it makes me tired thinking about it again! But it was a great day and I'm so thankful for our blessings and Alabama's first Christmas!
More to come of our "Christmas at New Year's" in another post!
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