I wanted to go ahead and post about all of the things I'm thankful for as Thanksgiving is tomorrow. I've been getting the house clean, doing laundry, doing a few projects, and going to start baking a cake but while the baby sleeps, I want to get this post in.
I have so much to be thankful for...we are richly blessed! Even though we may have a few struggles, we have far greater blessings.
I'm thankful first for Salvation...without it the rest would be nothing!
I'm thankful for my wonderful husband. I'm thankful for his love and commitment, his hardworking character, his skills, that he's a great daddy, that he loves Alabama so much, that he loves Jesus, that he's faithful, and that he's mine!
I'm thankful for Adam's job at C&C and the income it provides for us.
I'm so thankful for the wonderful gift of my daughter!
I love her so much and thank God for her everyday! I'm so thankful that she's healthy, for God healing her from the jaundice when she was a newborn, for every smile and laugh that she has, for her development, for her beautiful face, that she loves me so much!, and that I know God has great things in store for her and I look forward to seeing her grow up into the godly woman she is called to be (but not too fast!ha).
I'm thankful for all that God is teaching me this year. Through bible study at Grace, church, and all the things that He uses Alabama to teach me! The comparisons are so amazing and I love growing closer to Him.
I'm also thankful that I get to be with her everyday! I know this is such a blessing and all mothers aren't able to stay home with their babies but I'm so glad that I am!
I'm thankful for great parents and in-laws! They are both so wonderful and we are blessed to have them!
I'm thankful for my sisters who are the greatest aunts and help me so much!
I'm thankful for freedom...freedom for our country, freedom to worship, freedom in Christ. And I'm also thankful for those who serve our country to make that possible!
I'm thankful for our church family at Grace! They are such a loving church and I am so proud to be member there. I'm thankful for Pastor Bill and Mrs. Leila who so faithfully serve and minister to us. I'm thankful for our new Young Couples class and the Fords who are doing such a great job of teaching and leading us.
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